
Veronica Papa1,2*, Antonio Ascione3


1University of Naples “Parthenope”, Naples, Italy - 2Forensic Anthropology, Paleopathology and Bioarchaeology (FAPAB) Research Center, Avola, Italy - 3University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari, Italy


Introduction: Hepatic biloma is a rare clinical condition whose main feature is an abnormal intra- or extra-hepatic bile collection. The diagnosis is usually evaluated on the basis of clinical history and is confirmed by mean of imaging.

Case presentation: In the paper that follows, a case of 38-old male who reported accidental trauma eight month earlier has been described. An ultrasound scan confirmed the presence of two intrahepatic bilomas. Moreover, the authors offer a full contextualization further detailing this rare condition.

Conclusion: Bile leaks is a rare complication usually secondary to abdominal non-invasive or mini-invasive surgery and abdominal trauma. Nevertheless, the widespread of imaging methods led its frequency to increase. Therefore, biloma should be considered in any patient who is admitted for post-traumatic abdominal lesion or has difficulties in the early post-operative period.


ultrasound; Doppler; sport medicine; bycicling; epididymal cyst; ectasia rete testis.

