
Duccio Vanni 


Assistant Professor History of Medicine, Health Science Department, University of Florence, Italy


Since 1835 until 1855 Grand Duke of Tuscany, Leopold II, entrusted prof. Pietro Betti to coordinate and direct health combat against ‘Cholera morbus’ which attacked first city of Livorno on 4 August 1835, and then others cities and parts of Tuscany. The same epidemic recurred in waves between 1836 and 1849. Again, Cholera hit the Grand Duchy  extremely hard in 1854 and 1855. Betti immediately understood contagious nature of Cholera outbreak and always presented himself  as  firm supporter of contagionist  theories. His pioneristic  measures to stop and contain the epidemic are described and discussed.


Cholera morbus, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Livorno, Pietro Betti.

