
Lingna Chen1, Wenchao Sun2, Xiaoyang Fei2, Hao Chen3, Xiaoqing Zhu2*


1Gynecology department, Hangzhou City Maternity Hospital, Hangzhou, China - 2Center of Reproductive Medicine, Hangzhou City Maternity Hospital, Hangzhou, China - 3Department of Pathology, Hangzhou City Maternity Hospital, Hangzhou, China 


Introduction: The clinical incidence of broad ligament tumor is low. Because the broad ligament tumor has a unique physiological and anatomical location, it is adjacent to the uterus and adnexa. When the tumor is small, it is mostly asymptomatic, and even when it is large, it lacks characteristic clinical manifestations. 

Materials and methods: Patients often seek treatment with abdominal and pelvic mass, which is easy to be misdiagnosed. We find that using clinical medical data could identify the cyst in the broad ligament and ovarian tumor.

Results: The result has some values in identifying the cyst and ovarian tumor more efficiently, which could help diagnose more precisely and avoid the misdiagnosis in clinical extent.

Conclusion: Even after various preoperative examinations, cases involving the misdiagnosis of broad ligament cysts still require laparoscopic diagnosis and surgical resection


Broad ligament Cyst, Laparoscopic, Diagnosis, Ovarian Tumor, Ultrasound, Medical Data.

