
Qun Chen1, Hong Xu2, Chengbing Tan2* 


1College of Pharmacy of Bozhou Vocational and Technical College, Bozhou 236800, China - 2Department of Intelligent Engineering of Bozhou Vocational and Technical College, Bozhou 236800, China


Objective: To study the pathogenesis and pathological mechanism of rheumatoid arthritis. 

Methods: One or more common causes constituted the initial factors of RA, which caused the change of synovial tissue structure of RA joint and made it antigenic. The immune system responds to these autoantigens, leading to an abnormal immune response. 

Results: Rheumatoid arthritis is a heterogeneous, systemic, chronic autoimmune disease characterized by synovitis and symmetric polyarthritis. The global prevalence rate is about 1%, and the disability rate is as high as 20% within one year of onset, which seriously affects human health and quality of life. 

Conclusion: Heterogeneity means that patients have different genetic backgrounds, whose etiology is unknown and may not be single, so the pathogenesis may be different. At present, it is thought that the occurrence of the disease may be related to genetic variation, infection and sex hormones.


Rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmunity, pathogenesis, immune system.

