
Giuseppa La Camera1, Simone Maita2, Beatrice Geraci2, Luca Vitale3


1Department of General Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialities, University of Catania - 2Postgraduate School of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, AOUP Rodolico, University of Catania - 3Asp Siracusa


Introduction: An important role in the treatment of sepsis and septic shock is the blood purification therapy. In this study, we assessed the clinical response to the application of two blood purification therapy devices: polymyxin B Toraymyxin (PMX-PH) and CytoSorb.

Methods: Twelve patients were enrolled, all with different diagnoses at their entry into ICU,they were enrolled at the time of diagnosis of sepsis or septic shock.

Results: Different clinical and laboratory parameters were evaluated at the time of admission and subsequently re-evaluated at different time intervals depending on the device used.

Conclusions: It was evident that the support determined by blood purification therapy techniques in improving the conditions of subjects who are in a critical state. 


Sepsis, CytoSorb, PMX-PH, Blood purification therapy.

