
Chang Shu, Mingchuan Zhang*


Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Tongliang District People's Hospital, Chongqing, PR China


Material: Kartagener syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive genetic related disease with extremely low incidence and frequent missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis in clinic. Kartagener syndrome complicated with pulmonary embolism is rarer in clinic. 

Method: A female patient with cough, cough purulent sputum, haemoptysis, bronchiectasis and situs inversus viscerum features by iconography is reported in this study. Meanwhile, Spiral CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) suggests filling defects in the trunk and branches of the right pulmonary artery, considering the diagnosis of Kartagener syndrome (incomplete type) with pulmonary artery thromboembolism. 

Results: The patient had pulmonary embolism and haemoptysis due to the bronchiectasis of Kartagener syndrome. After proscribing anti-infection, expectorant, sequential haemostasis and anticoagulant treatment, the patient’s symptoms improved and she was discharged. 

Conclusion: Kartagener syndrome is a rare clinical disease. When imaging suggests the presence of bronchiectasis, situs inversus viscerum, with or without sinusitis, the diagnosis of Kartagener syndrome should be considered. Individualized haemostatic and anticoagulant regimens should be developed for patients with Kartagener syndrome complicated with pulmonary embolism.


Kartagener syndrome, pulmonary embolism, haemoptysis.

