
Marcello Serra1, Federica Savino2, Gianluca Ametrano3, Maria Quarto1, Domenico Tafuri4 Filomena Loffredo1, Paolo Muto3


1Advanced Biomedical Science Department, University of Naples, Federico II, Naples, Italy - 2LB Business Services srl, Roma, Italy - 3Department of Radiation Oncology, National Cancer Institute - IRCCS - G. Pascale, Naples, Italy - 4Department of Motor Sciences and Wellness, University of Naples “Parthenope”, Italy


Introduction: Radiotherapy is increasingly used for the treatment of cancer patients and more and more personalized treatments are being developed to improve the patient’s quality of life. Today, the medical community is moving toward VMAT plans, which allow to deliver the prescription dose to the tumor and to spare surrounding healthy tissues. In this context the development of autoplanning system is desirable.

Method and results: In this work we report the implementation, in the TPS RayStation, of the autoplanning algorithm that creates high quality plans, when brain metastases are involved.

Conclusion: At the state of the art, the AP codes can be intended to lighten the work of the medical physicist so that he can refine the plan previously elaborated in AP modality or devote himself to more delicate situations.


VMAT, Autoplanning, Brain metastasis, WBRT, OARs sparing, PlanIQ.

