
Ambrosone Mario1, Ascolese Mario2, Orzes Sante3, Fusco Rocco4, Farina Fabrizio5, Fusco Maria Antonietta6, Vincenzo Cristian Francavilla7 


1MD, U.O. Orthopedics I Capitanio hospital unit IRCCS Italian Auxological Institute - Milan, Italy - 2Ph.D in Surgical Sciences of the developmental age, University of Salerno, Italy - 3MD. Former 1st level Medical Director Rep. Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Hospital Feltre, Italy - 4MD, former U.O. Medical Director Orthopedics Osp. Aryan. Scientific manager of the "Didactic Farm" Tenuta Ippocrate, Avellino, Italy - 5Department of Law, Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM), University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy - 6MD, Scientific Manager of the Ks International Group s.r.l., Mercogliano, Italy - 7MD, PhD Associate Professor Diseases Locomotor Apparatus and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Human and Society Sciences, University of Enna “Kore”


Introduction: The purpose of our study was to determine if there is was a performance improvement of the pulmonary functionality (21) and the autonomic nervous system through the use of the KS Brief Stimulator® or/and the neuromuscular orthotic Attivo KS Medical®.  

Material and method: 20 students of wind instruments courses and 20 students of singing were selected. All the students were divided into 4 groups, which were homogeneous by age and category. The trial analysed various parameters from the tests performed: Spirometry analysis, PPG analysis and the postural data. Initially, all data were analysed using descriptive statistics, subsequently, a two-tailed Student’s t-test for paired data was used to compare data obtained before and after treatment.

Results: The results of the trials exceeded expectations. The use of the orthotic had  an effect on the increase of the spirometric values, especially in young people already trained in the use of the breath. We have discovered the first significant results with relation to spirometry level changes. Furthermore, the device also proved to be effective in combination with the orthotic (specifically for the Mean HR and Scatter area parameters). Regarding the measurements of the nervous system test results confirm that the trials generally did not intervene in a significant way. 

Conclusion: Despite this, the results show a reduction in heart rate measured in bpm and a rise of the heart rate variability and Scatter Area. Only the combined use of the two devices confirmed a statistically significant improvement in terms of Mean HR and Scatter Area. The most superior result was obtained with the combined use of the devices. However, satisfactory results were also achieved in those who singularly used the KS Brief Stimulator® or the orthotic. Finally, the first trials performed  with the KS Brief Stimulator demonstrated significant effects on the lumbar lordosis.

*Ks Brief  Stimulator ® - Attivo KS Medical® è un brevetto internazionale di invenzione costruito dalla Ks International Group s.r.l. Via Ammiraglio Bianco Mercogliano/Avellino/Italy


oxygenation ability, flautists, KS Brief Stimulator, orthostasis.

