
Giuseppe Vito, Alessandra Sorrentini


Parthenope University, Via Medina, 40 - Naples, Italy


Type II diabetes has a high prevalence rate worldwide, especially in industrialized countries. By requiring increasing health expenditures and resources, the disease and its complications generate a considerable economic burden.

Since many years several institutions promote awareness and information programs regarding the most effective strategies to prevent and control diabetes. By reducing the severity of the disease and its complications, Adapted Physical Activity (APA) represents an ideal instrument to remodulate the Therapeutic Healthcare Management Protocol (THMP) of patients with type II diabetes and may be defined as a new health technology. On the basis of these considerations, a Budget Impact Analysis (BIA) was carried out from the healthcare management perspective to evaluate advantages deriving from the introduction of a structured program of APA for diabetics in Campania, one of the Italian regions with the highest prevalence of diabetes. 


Type II Diabetes, Adapted Physical Activity, Health Technology Assessment, Therapeutic Healthcare Management Protocol, Budget Impact Analysis.

