
MohaMMad adawi1*, Mariano Martini2*, abdulla watad3, Cristina tornali4^, ilaria barberis5, FederiCa borroMeo6,

niCola luigi bragazzi5


1Padeh and Ziv hospitals, Bar-Ilan, Faculty of Medicine, Zefat, Israel - 2Department of Health Sciences, Section of Medical History and Ethics, University of Genoa, Italy - 3Department of Medicine ‘B’, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel; The Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel; Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel - 4Department of Biomedical and Biotechnological Sciences, University of Catania, Italy - 5Department of Health Science,University of Genoa, Italy - 6Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria,Varese, Italy


 Objective: To explore endometriosis-related digital seeking behaviour in Italy, after the showgirl Rossella Brescia announced to be affected by this gynecological disease.

Methods: We performed a retrospective search of web-activities related to endometriosis, carried out in Italy, in the last 5 years, using Google Trends with “endometriosis” as keyword and “search topic” as search strategy. We used the section Google News in order to check the impact of media coverage on web behaviour.

Results: Web-activities related to Rossella Brescia and endometriosis correlated in a statistically borderline significant way, even though peaks in endometriosis searches coincided with bursts in digital interest towards Rossella Brescia. Among the endometri- osis-associated rising queries, “Rossella Brescia endometriosis” and “Rossella Brescia” were two of the most searched. Among Ros- sella Brescia-associated rising queries, “Rossella Brescia disease” yielded the first place (break out), whilst “Rossella Brescia endo- metriosis” the fourth place (breakout), “endometriosis” the fifth place (breakout) and “Rossella Brescia ill” the ninth place (breakout).

Conclusions: Practitioners should become aware of the importance of new media in communicating the disease with their pa- tients and workers in the field of public health should strengthen their presence online, exploiting celebrity effect in order to disseminate rigorous but accessible information and raise public awareness against the disease, methods of diagnosis and prevention.


celebrity effect in public health, communication ethics, Big Data, endometriosis, Google Trends

