


1 Department of Educational Management, KamalvandBranch, Islamic Azad University, Khoram-Abad, Iran - 2 Department of radiology, Paramedical School, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran - 3 Department of clinical Psychology, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran - 4 Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Public Health School, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran


Background and aim: The present study, which was conducted in correlational framework, aims to examine the relationship between cognitive skills with academic achievement in a sample of high school students in Kermanshah city, Iran.

Materials and methods: The population included a total number of 27627 high school students in Kermanshah in 2013- 2014, among whom 200 applicants were selected through multistage cluster sampling. Cognitive and metacognitive questionnaires were employed as research tools and their reliability were measured through split half and coefficient alpha, which were reported as 0.84 and 0.73 for cognitive questionnaires and 0.92 and 0.79 for metacognitive questionnaire. To examine applicant academic achievement. Their academic files in schools as well as their mean scores were carefully considered. The data were analyzed through Persons correlation coefficient and multistage regression in SPSS, v. 20.

Results: The finding showed that there was a correlation between cognitive skills and academic achievement and between metacognitive skill and academic achievement. The results of multistage regression, in addition, showed that semantic expansion among cognitive components and control and supervision among metacognitive components could explain the variance of academic achievement. Furthermore, it was revealed that learners' views were significantly related to the metacognitive skills, and both cognitive and metacognitive skills based on gender and region, respectively.

Conclusion: According to the finding concluded that students who are recruited cognitive and metacognitive skills, experience high academic achievement and using of these strategies and effective in academic achievement.


Cognitive skills, metacognitive skills, academic achievement, education in Kermanshah, high school.