
Serdar Yanik1, Turgut Karaca2, Ayşe Neslin Akkoca3, Zeynep tuğba Özdemir4, Ayşegül Kaynar1, Tarik Gandi Çinçin2, Semra Vatan Yanik5, Gül Soylu Özler6


1İskenderun State Hospital,Department of Patology, Hatay -2İskenderun State Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Hatay -3Mustafa Kemal University Medical School, Department of Family Medicine, Hatay 4Bozok University Medical School, Department of alnterne Medicine, Yozgat - 5Ümraniye Research Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, İstanbul -6Mustafa Kemal University Medical School, Otorhinolaryngology Department - Turkey